Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Nervous System Test for Grade 11

The Grade 11 Bio30S class will have a test on the nervous system on Monday, June 9th, 2014 (Day 6). The test will be based on our notes and textbook pages 273-274.

You will receive one bonus mark on this test if you return your biology textbook at the beginning of the test.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Bio30S Exam for Grade 10

Grade 10 students in Bio30S will write an exam on Wednesday, June 18th, 2014.
 You will have a choice of writing either a Short Exam or a Long Exam. You will need to choose which exam you will be writing by Tuesday, June 10th (Day 1).

The Short Exam will be worth 15% of your total mark in the course and will be based on the following:

1) Circulatory System (pages 177-184)
2) Blood (pages 195-200)
3) Estimating the Size of a Cell
4) Respiratory System (pages 224-231)
5) Musculoskeletal System (pages 258-265)
6) Reproductive System (pages 457-460, 463-467)
7) Nervous System (notes and pages 271-281)

The Long Exam will be worth 15% of your total mark in the course, or 100% of your mark if it is higher than your mark in the course up to this point. (The Long Exam may increase your mark by a maximum of 10%.) The Long Exam is based on everything that is on the Short Exam, plus the following:

8) Structural Levels of the Body (notes)
9) Biochemistry (pages 60-67)
10) Digestive System (pages 160-167 and the article "The World Is Fat")
11) Excretory System (notes taken on April 10th)
12) The Eye and the Ear (pages 299-304)

You will get a bonus mark on the exam for returning your biology textbook at the exam.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The Grade 11 Bio30S class is watching the movie Gattaca, which centers on a technique called PGD (=preimplantation genetic diagnosis). Here are notes on the movie Gattaca. The Grade 11 Bio30S class will have a test on Gattaca on Thursday, May 29, 2014 (Day 5).